Be Thankful! Tips for Practicing Gratitude

Thanksgiving is here! It’s a wonderful time of year, full of family, friends, and of course, food! Across the U.S., families are preparing to host gatherings and enjoy delicious dishes like turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, and various types of pie. For Catholics, this time of year takes on special meaning. After all, gratefulness is one of the marks of Christ-followers. It sets us apart from the world and makes outsiders stop and take notice.

Many believe that gratitude is a virtue, one that is worthy of cultivation. Just as we practice prayer and obedience, gratitude can be incorporated into our daily lives, allowing us to draw closer to the Divine. Keeping in the spirit of the season, we’ve put together a brief list of ways you can begin practicing gratitude today!

Peace and Thanksgiving

Give to Others

One of the very best ways to show gratitude to the people in your life is through gift-giving. After all, your family and friends do so much for you! Why not show them how thankful you are with a small gift. You can find unique gifts right here at St. Jude Shop. Browse our collection today!

Write a Letter

In this day and age, it’s easy to communicate. We have telephones, email, instant messaging, texting, even video chat. With easy access to all of these tools, we have lost a bit of what made old time communication special: It was personal. This holiday season, take the time to say thank you to the special people in your lives with a handwritten letter or note. Putting the words on paper the old fashioned way shows them how much they mean to you because it takes time and it takes thought to write out your message by hand.

Say a Prayer

Like many holidays in America, Thanksgiving has become highly commercialized and it’s easy to forget about the things that truly matter. In the midst of cooking turkeys and shuffling from one family gathering to another, it is all too easy to push spiritual things aside. Take time every day and offering up a prayer of Thanksgiving to God. These quiet moments will go a long way towards helping you relax during the busy season.

What We Are Grateful For

Here at St. Jude Shop, we are grateful every day for the opportunity to provide our friends and family in the Church with quality products and gifts. The ability to own and operate a business is the dream of millions of people around the world, and by the grace of God, that dream has come true for us. We’d like to take this time just to say thank you to everyone who makes our dream possible, including you! So, thank you, and happy holidays to you and yours.

Find quality gifts and religious goods with St. Jude Shop. Browse our collection today!