Celebrating the Life of Mother Teresa

On September 4th, Catholics around the world will watch in anticipation as one of the church’s most beloved icons will be canonized. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, nun and long-time champion of the poor will be declared a saint at a highly anticipated ceremony at the Vatican. The name of Mother Teresa has long been synonymous with compassion. Her tireless efforts to reach out to those who lived in the slums, suffered from famine, oppression, and disease were recognized with a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

The Life of a Saint

Early Years

Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia on August 26, 1910. Her parents christened her Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu the following day. Her father was a construction contractor and a trader, and both parents were devoutly Catholic. The family was heavily involved in church functions and politics. When Agnes was only 8 years old, she lost her father to a sudden and mysterious illness. Many have speculated that a political nemesis had poisoned him, leaving behind his wife and child to fend for themselves. The two grew close, and bonded over a love of charity.

A Calling

Young Agnes attended a primary school run by a convent and a state-run secondary school later on. After experiencing a calling to a life of service on a pilgrimage, she joined the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin in 1928. She chose the name Sister Mary Teresa in honor of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. During her time with the Sisters of Loreto, Sister Teresa spent time in Calcutta, where she taught some of the girls from the city’s poorest families. On a train ride from Calcutta to the Himalayan foothills, she received a word from Christ to abandon teaching and work instead in the slums of Calcutta. It took nearly a year to receive permission to pursue her new calling, but in the end she found her way into the streets and slums among the poorest citizens. Throughout the rest of her life, she worked tireless to aid the poor, the destitute, and the sick, leaving behind an inspirational legacy that endures to this day.


Mother Teresa left behind a life of works and deeds that continue to inspire people all over the world. While there are always those who try to detract from her achievements, the faithful know the truth, and her life will receive the honor it is due come this September 4th. Join us in celebrating her life and her achievements today. At St. Jude Shop we have a variety of tokens available to commemorate the event. Shop our selection today.