Commemorating A Lost Furry Friend

Lost A Pet?

Whether your pet has passed naturally, or you are choosing to euthanize your pet due to poor quality of life, losing a pet can be very hard to cope with. It is like losing a family member, and it is only healthy to allow yourself time to grieve the loss. Be honest with yourself about your feelings. You may go through all of the stages of grief, or maybe just a few of them including guilt, denial, anger, and depression. Unfortunately, death is part of the cycle of life.


Just as when a person passes, there are several ways to handle the death of a pet and commemoration choices. You can opt to cremate your pet, bury him or her, or let the animal clinic take care of the body if you just can’t bare to do so. Save a cement print of their paw, plant a tree in their memory, or get an angel animal statue for your yard to remind yourself that your pet will always be with you.

If you are in need of memorial religious goods to commemorate your cat or dog, get online and shop the great selection of religious memorabilia. Try a guardian cat or dog statue, pet memorial garden stone, or a pet memorial angel holding a cat or dog statue for your porch or yard! Find all of the religious goods that you need in order to properly commemorate your lost beloved family pet online at the St. Jude Shop!