How to Prepare for Ash Wednesday

It’s February so, believe it or not, the start of Lent is right around the corner. Prepare for Ash Wednesday by ordering all of the church supplies you need from St. Jude Shop. Learn more about the practice of Ash Wednesday, its significance to the observance of Lent, and how you can make more of an impact on your congregation during Ash Wednesday Mass this year.

Celebrate Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras

As is tradition for many Catholic churches, the congregation spends the duration of Lent by practicing fasting, repentance, moderation, self-denial, and spiritual discipline. This practice is to help followers connect on a deeper level with Christ to understand His 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.

Before Lent begins though, it is common to participate in Shrove Tuesday, also referred to as Mardi Gras. Traditional practice for this day is to make and eat pancakes. This tradition helps use up richer foods in the home, like eggs and dairy. This helps prepare followers for their 40-day fasting season.

Attending Ash Wednesday Mass

The following day, Catholics attend Mass in observance of the beginning of the Lenten season. Ashes of palm are used to anoint the foreheads of followers. The priest takes a small amount of ash and lightly rubs it on each parish member’s forehead in the shape of a cross.

Ashes are a symbol of repentance and death. The use of ashes to anoint the followers of Jesus Christ represents their repentance for their sins, the sacrifice that Christ made for them in His death, and their freedom from sin and death because of such sacrifice.

Ordering Ashes & Dispensers

As a clergy member, it’s essential to order ashes as well as ash dispensers and holders so that you are ready to anoint your parish members during Ash Wednesday Mass. At St. Jude Shop, we offer a variety of ash holders, ash dispensers, and ablution cups to safely store your palm ashes. Shop our selection of ash dispensers and ablution cups now.

We also sell pure palm ashes for 100, 200, 500, or 1,000 people. Order your pure palm ashes for Ash Wednesday Mass while supplies last.

Teachings for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Mass will include more than just anointing your congregation with ash crosses. During this Mass and the rest of Lenten season, it’s essential to focus on Scripture that teaches the community about prayer, personal reflection, fasting, repentance, and almsgiving to bring them closer to the LORD.

At St. Jude Shop, we offer a variety of literature and media to guide your congregation on their path closer to Christ. We recommend our meditation and prayer books to help them through the trials they may face during Lenten season.

Find All of the Church Supplies You Need from St. Jude Shop

Whether you need ashes for Ash Wednesday, palms for Palm Sunday, church supplies for Communion, and every Mass in between, St. Jude Shop has everything you need to practice long-standing Catholic traditions with your congregation. Shop our entire collection of Lent and Easter church supplies now.