Make Mother's Day Special With Our Church Supply Store
30th Apr 2014
Just like your mother has done a lot for you and your family with very little recognition or thanks, women have played a huge part in history. Time and time again, within the church and throughout history, women have played critical, albeit unique roles that are often overshadowed by the accomplishments of the men that were involved. In the book, Holy Women, Pope Benedict XVI goes into detail about the lives of seventeen women, including St. Joan of Arc, St. Catherine of Bologna, St. Teresa of Avila, and so many more.
This book makes an incredible Mother's Day gift that is both thoughtful and meaningful. Your mother will draw confidence and strength from the lives and stories of these astounding women. It is also a wonderful way to express your thanks to your mother for everything that she has done for you throughout your life. Just like how these women who have changed the face of history with little to no acknowledgement are finally being shown our gratitude, you can show your mom how much she means to you like never before.
Mother's Day is just around the corner and if you want to be ready for it with a gift that will mean something special to your mom, it is time to shop our online church supply store. Don't settle for just any Mother's Day gift. She has sacrificed so much for everyone else around her and we have one day a year to express our love and gratitude. Make this year a special one and shop our site today.