Order For Matrimony

If you are a Catholic that is planning on getting married this year, or anytime thereafter, you will want to be aware of the changes that have been made in the Catholic tradition when it comes to your wedding ceremony. A new translation of a revision that happened in the early 1990’s was recently released and put into place. This revised section of marital rights will have a few major differences from old translation, including a name change from The Rite Of Marriage to the Order For Celebrating Matrimony. This new revision can be purchased online from your Catholic supply store, St. Jude.


Although the prayers used in the marital ceremony will remain the same, the sound of the prayers will change. This newer translation was more direct than the previous, resulting in a difference in sound.

Removal Of The Penitential Rite

The penitential rite has now been removed from the wedding ceremony. For those of you who are not familiar with the penitential rite, it is the portion of the ceremony where the guests ask for forgiveness of their sins. To keep the ceremony around its general length, a gospel song has been added: Glory to God.

Language Change

The new translation also allows for some english to be used in certain parts of the rite ceremony. These new instances include the placing of a cord over the couple during the nuptial blessing and the exchange of coins according to www.osv.com

Bless Us

The newest translation will also include an additional section filled with additional blessings for other occasions. They blessings are to be used for those celebrating an anniversary or engagement.

To learn more about the new translation of Order For Celebrating Matrimony. Order a copy for yourself from St. jude, your online Catholic supply store.