The Good Galilean

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Lessons in How to Live from the Son of Man Himself

In all of history, only one man was truly good: the perfect man in whom no fault was found, who was greater than storytellers can imagine, more sublime than any human before or since.

For a few brief decades, that perfect man, Jesus, walked among us, spoke with us, and shared our food and lodgings.  He encouraged the weak, consoled the sorrowing, and taught us to pray.  Jesus told us of the inner life of God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- and also revealed to us (by His example) much about the inner life of man -- not as you and I live it, but as it should be lived.

In these pages, Archbishop Alban Goodier considers those incidents in the Gospel that illuminate, in particular, the specifically human traits of Jesus -- not to demonstrate that Jesus was truly man, but to show what is possible for each of us to become and, indeed, what we are all called to become.

By following our Lord's example of patience, humility, veracity, simplicity, tenderness, compassion, strength, vulnerability, joy, sorrow, and prayerfulness, we become more like God...but simultaneously more truly human.

Jesus is the model of manhood.  Human life as He lived it made the world a better place.  With the help of our Lord and under the wise guidance of Archbishop Goodier, you, too, can make the world a better place as you grow more like Jesus, and more truly human.